Adriana Musitano


Adriana Musitano has a Ph.D. in Literature and is a professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities (FFyH) of the National University of Córdoba (UNC), Argentina. Under the guidance of Dr. Jorge Dubatti, between 2015 and 2018, she completed the Postdoctoral Degree in Human and Social Sciences in the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature of the National University of Buenos Aires (UBA). Full tenured professor, she retired in 2017.  She has worked as a researcher from 1996 to date, directed subsidized projects from scholarship researchers and Ph.D. candidates. She has also been a member of different projects from 2017 to 2020 at the Research Center from the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities (CIFFyH) from the UNC and the Performing Arts Institute (IAE) from the UBA. As a lecturer and postgraduate teacher, she establishes a connection between theater and fine arts of the 20th century and the first decades of the 21st century. She published Poéticas de lo cadavérico (Poetics of the Cadaverous). Theater, Fine and Video Art at the End of the 20th Century (Córdoba, 2011) and books on Argentine and European theater, with comparative theater perspectives (at Her work is also available in national and international journals such as telondefondo, Picadero, Dramateatro, E-misferica, and in Actas (IAE, UBA; CIFFyH, UNC, and AINCRIT), among others. She has published four books of poetry, sound poems and, coming out soon, a digital book of poems and images. As Publications Secretary at AINCRIT (Argentine Association of Theater Critique and Research), she has coordinated and published several of its Actas. From the 1990s to date, she has performed several publishing and advisory tasks at the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities (FFyH), UNC. Since 2012 she has been Director of the collection Papeles Teatrales (Theater Roles), Córdoba, FFyH, UNC, and was awarded special mentions for her publishing work by the Teatro del Mundo Award, Rojas Cultural Center, UBA, 2014 and 2018. In 2020 she founded Bosquemadura, ART PUBLISHING HOUSE, a publisher of digital books by contemporary artists, the first of which will be Pharus, del Hemisferio Sur al Norte (Pharus, from the Southern to the Northern Hemisphere) by Matilde Marin. She lives and works in the city of Córdoba, Argentina.