Ivana Myszkoroski
DiseƱo de libros digitales
Ivana Myszkoroski is a graphic designer, specialized in Editorial Design. She was trained at the Aguas de la Cañada Institute, at the School of Arts of the National University of Córdoba (UNC), and at the Blas Pascal University. She has 20 years of experience in the field of visual communication. She worked in publishing and design agencies in Córdoba, Argentina, and Mexico City. Ivana was an intern at Casa Argentina, in the University City of Paris, in April 2018. In 2004, she was head designer for the collection of children's books Vaquita de San Antonio (Ladybug) by Editorial Comunicarte, and illustrated one of the first titles in the series, Nanas para bichos inquietos (Lullabies for Fidgety Bugs), written by Liliana Moyano, a book that won the 2005 ALIJA Award. She was awarded several distinctions such as the Teatro del Mundo Award from the Cultural Center “Rector Ricardo Rojas” of the National University of Buenos Aires (UBA), for the books editing in the Papeles Teatrales collection from the FFyH-UNC; Sad Face - Happy Face, by Jan Lauwers in 2014 and Biodrama by Vivi Tellas in 2017. She was in charge of the graphic edition of the book Diario de amor y militancia (A Diary of Love and Activism), by Susana Gómez, published by Los Rios, which received the Alberto Burnichón Award, as the best publishing work in Córdoba 2018 - 2019. She was also awarded the Sello de Diseño Cordobés, a distinction from the Ministry of Culture, Municipality of Córdoba, in the 2017 and 2019 editions, for the Children & YA and Essay-Chronicles collections of Los Rios publishing house. She is currently a consultant to institutions, publishers and authors, providing advice and graphic editing services for publishing projects. She lives and works in the city of Córdoba, Argentina.